Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Picture the scene…

Your next patient is a distraught 24 year old who recently found out she is pregnant and has starting having spots of blood a few hours ago. Her and her partner want to know if it’s going to be ok?….

Learning Objective

To learn about the management of the patient with problems in the early part of pregnancy in the Emergency Department.

Task 1 – Read

Task 2 – Listen

Task 3 – Discuss

Task 4 – Summary

Task 5 – Reflect

References and Further Reading

  1. 1
    Lawrence-Ball A. Induction Bleeding in Early Pregnancy. RCEM Learning. 2018; published online Feb 6. (accessed June 16, 2020).
  2. 2
    May N. Problems in Early Pregnancy. St Emlyns. 2015; published online Jan 14. (accessed June 16, 2020).
  3. 3
    Lin M. Trick of the Trade: Urine pregnancy test without urine. Academic Life in Emergency Medicine. 2012; published online April 10. (accessed June 16, 2020).